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Welcome to the start of something special.

Beckley Talks is a series of illuminating conversations with pioneers of the psychedelic renaissance. First up, Beckley Retreats co-founders, Amanda Feilding and Neil Markey.

A new paradigm in health, creativity and relationship is fast becoming a reality, and Amanda and Neil have built a beacon for the coming times. Join us for a discussion of our shared mission. Beckley Retreats is unique in backing up the psychedelic experience with modern science, as well as nurturing spiritual practices. Thought leaders, therapists, healers, and scientists have come together to create a network of support for the growing promise of psychedelics and wellbeing practices. Our live community events will highlight the transformative work from across the Beckley family of organization and give space for questions, stories, ideas, inspiration, as well as information on the latest scientific breakthroughs. We hope you’ll join us.

Amanda Feilding

Amanda Feilding is the founder of the Beckley Foundation and one of the most influential figures of the psychedelic renaissance. A close friend and early thought partner to Albert Hofmann (the creator of LSD), she’s been dubbed everything from ‘The Countess of Psychedelics’ (Wired Magazine) to the ‘Queen of Consciousness’ (The Telegraph). 

Amanda’s work has proven that people from all walks of life can find harmony and healing through the psychedelic experience. Her career has been dedicated to refining a new outlook on psychedelics as tools for enhancing consciousness and destigmatizing their use: "I realized that it was only through science that one could overcome the taboo on these substances.”

Neil Markey

As co-founder and CEO of Beckley Retreats, Neil is passionate about sharing the science-backed benefits of psychedelics in conjunction with the contemplative practices that support holistic wellbeing. 

He’s dedicated to building a business that operates with the utmost integrity, both internally and across the many communities it touches. A former Captain in the US Army Special Operations 2nd Ranger Battalion, Neil was deployed once to Iraq, and twice to Afghanistan. After, as an MBA/MIA masters student at Columbia University, he suffered from depression and PTSD. This led him to alternative wellbeing practices and marked the start of a profound healing journey with mindfulness and psychedelics. 

Sylvia Benito

Sylvia Benito connects consciousness to capital, and her passion is to help families, founders, and boards align their values to their work. As a board member of Beckley Retreats, she advises on business development, and helps with facilitator trainings and overall ceremony experience.

Sylvia experienced a deep awakening during her first mushroom journey, one that changed her life and ignited a spiritual search. She believes there is nothing more beautiful than helping people touch into their divine essence, and she’s made this her life’s work: “I want to help inspire a revolution of investing that is led by love.”